It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark! Have a plan...

Here at Imprint we are all thankful to be doing well and staying healthy as we deal with the ongoing pandemic and the issues that come with it.  We certainly hope you are keeping well along with us!  

Day after day we have been receiving emails from our industry suppliers and partners advising of supply chain issues and shipping challenges.  Costs continue to increase as global labour markets adjust to keep up with the demand for goods.

The biggest challenges we are currently facing every day in this business are backorders on products and the cost and time to ship them from warehouses and factories to our customers.  In some cases promotional and clothing suppliers are limiting the variety of items they offer or offering fewer color choices.  Factories are taking longer to produce and shipping times are extended.  

As we forge ahead through these challenges we need to re-think how we do business.  With inventory issues and longer lead times to get product into your hands we need to plan ahead and be more open to different solutions.  Start thinking about your holiday gifting now.  Know when your employees are celebrating anniversaries and pick out their service awards well in advance.  Winter is coming (whether we like it or not) and you may need to give your staff a cozy branded sweater.  Keeping ahead of these situations will reduce everyone’s stress and you will avoid costly rush fees.

With some pre-planning, optimism and positive thinking we will get through this storm together. 

(Title credit - Richard Cushing)

Shelley Coates